Home > 17th Round Table

the 17th Round Table Forum on Sustainable Development of Dams & Hydropower 

About Round Tables

Dams and reservoirs are fundamental infrastructures, supporting economic and social development with functions of flood control, water supply, clear energy production and Irrigation. The International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) issued “World Declaration on Hydropower and Dams for African Sustainable Development” launched at the ICOLD 80th Anniversary in 2008 and the “World Declaration on Water Storage for Sustainable Development” launched at the ICOLD 24th Congress in 2012. Chinese National Committee on Large Dams (CHINCOLD), as one of the national committees of ICOLD, would like to contribute to promote the World Declarations and share experience with professionals in related fields. 

With the support of ICOLD and concerted efforts of all parties, CHINCOLD has successfully organized 16 round tables and technical tours for African and Asian developing countries since 2009 to share experience with professionals in dam society. Participants from over 30 countries have attended these meetings with support from CHINCOLD, which was a part of the capacity building efforts of ICOLD.

♦ The 17th Round Table Forum on Sustainable Development of Dams & Hydropower  

CHINCOLD is organizing the 17th Round Table Forum on sustainable Development of Dams and Hydropower in Yichang city of China in 24-25 Sept., 2024, and will financially support delegates after evaluation.

The round table forum will be held in conjunction with the CHINCOLD 2024 Annual Meeting and 5th International Symposium on Dam Safety. Lectures, projects and communication with Chinese experts from hydropower development companies, design and research institutes, construction companies, etc. will be arranged.

Primary Program 



23 Sept., 2024

Arrive at Yichang City, Hubei Province


24 Sept., 2024

CHINCOLD 2024 Annual Meeting and 5th International Symposium on Dam Safety

25 Sept., 2024

Round Table Forum on Sustainable Development of Dams & Hydropower

26 -28 Sept., 2024

Post study tour, Departure


CHINCOLD will cover all local expenses from 23 Sept. when you arrive at Yichang City to 28 Sept., including hotel, lodging, lectures, technical tours, and certain social activities, etc..

How to apply 

We expect the candidates to have: 

• Extensive work experience in the field related to dams and hydropower; 

• High level of educational background;

• Capability of communicating fluently in English; 

• Sufficient fund to cover his/her own international travel expense

Application deadline: 

No later than 31 July, 2024. 

Please download the required application document through this link: 
▶ https://files.glbmedcon.com/upload/file/20240613/20240613144920_54821.docx 

Kindly fill it out and send the file to chincold-en@vip.126.com 


We hope that each participant can prepare 10-minute presentation in English on development status and outlook of hydropower and dams, sustainable water and soil conservation, or topics related to the dam safety on behalf of his/her country. Representatives will be invited to share the acknowledge in the Round Table Forum.

Contact us 

Name: Dr. Aili LI 

Email: chincold-en@vip.126.com 

Mobilephone: +86 13811499665