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Post study tour is planned to be arranged after the conference with duration of 3 days. Participants will have a technical visit to the Three Gorges Project, Gezhouba Project, Geheyan Project, Shuibuya Dam, and Danjiangkou Project.rParticipants will also enjoy the nature scenic spots and historic sites in Hubei Province.

  • Three Gorges Project is a key project to the development and management of the Yangtze River basin. It has the largest installed capacity in the world with a total installed capacity of 22.5GW. Ecological and environmental protection has been emphasized, especially the protection of rare and endemic fish species in the Yangtze River.
  • Gezhouba Project is the first large-scale hydropower station on the Yangtze River. The construction began in May 1971, and was completed in December 1988 as a dam with a maximum dam height of 47m and a total storage capacity of 1.58 billion m3 with a total installed capacity of 2.715 million kilowatts. The first 170,000 kilowatt unit was put into operation on July 30, 1981.
  • Geheyan Project is located on the main stream of Qingjiang River. It is a concrete gravity arch dam with a maximum dam height of 151m. The total reservoir capacity is 3.12 billion m3. The installed capacity of the hydropower station is 1.2 million kW and the annual generating capacity is 3.04 billion kW. The construction began in January 1987, the first unit generated electricity in June 1993, and was completed in 1995.
  • Shuibuya Dam is located in Badong County, the middle reaches of the Qingjiang River, with a maximum dam height of 233m, which is the highest concrete faced rockfill dam that has been built in the world.
  • Danjiangkou Project was built in 1967. As the water source project for the middle route of the South to North Water Diversion Project, the Danjiangkou Dam was designed to be raised by 14.6m. The dam height is 117m and crest length, 3442m, resulting in a corresponding increase in storage capacity of 11.6 billion m3. This is the largest dam raise project in China, which was started in Sept. 2005 and completed in Sept. 2013.